How to get the most life out of your batteries to save money on Duracell batteries?
Posted by SAMIR RAJ

If you're like most people, you've probably thrown away a few Duracell Batteries in your day. Old and dead — what else could they be good for? These tips and tricks will help you make the most of your batteries and get the most out of them. It'll save you cash, too! After reading this article, there won't be any reason why you should ever throw away your batteries again.
1. How to get the most life out of your batteries
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know I’m a fan of rechargeable batteries. They’re convenient, they last a long time, and they save you money. But I’ve learned a few tricks about how to get the most life out of them, and I’d like to share them with you.
2. Tips for using your Duracell batteries
Here are some quick tips for getting the most out of your Duracell batteries:
- Don’t store your batteries in the refrigerator or freezer. This can damage the batteries and make them less effective.
- Don’t leave the batteries out in the sun or in extremely hot or freezing temperatures. This can shorten the life of the battery.
- And finally, don’t dispose of these batteries in your trash or garbage. Just because they’ve been discharged doesn’t mean they aren’t still good for you. Using them again could in fact help the batteries last a bit longer and improve their performance in the time that it takes to recharge them.
Ways to Use Duracell Batteries
There are several ways you could use a Duracell battery:
Surcharge them for later: A positive solution is poured into the battery and a chemical reaction takes place which causes the positive (+) side of the battery to become positive. The best part about this is that you don’t have to place the charger into the battery to use it. All you need to do is place a piece of paper in the positive terminal of the battery. After reading that article from the previous section on how to store your batteries properly, all you have to do is place the paper on the negative of the battery. Ever try to stick your key into a deadlock? That’s what it’s like to try to push something in with your key. Oh, and your entire room starts to stink. Not a good situation when you’re trying to charge your batteries. Surcharge them for a quicker boost: Using a battery with a slightly lower capacity is beneficial if you need to recharge a battery quickly but you don’t want it to be an over-recharge. As long as you don’t run too fast, you may shock the battery and cause it to short circuit causing a fire and/or explosion. To keep this from happening, you can always store them in a cool, dry place where they aren’t exposed to extreme temperatures.
3. How to recycle dead or useless Duracell batteries
If your Duracell batteries are dead or useless, you can recycle them for free by dropping them off at the nearest Duracell-sponsored recycling station. These recycling stations are located near offices, shopping areas and even on aeroplanes. Most recycling products are non-toxic (meaning they don't have radiation levels greater than the amount you'd find in 20X doses on a regular medical checkup). They even have small household items you can recycle — such as lint and paper.
Duracell also has separate programs for public and private recycling centres. Check with one of these locations to see which options are easiest for you. How much will you be giving back?
- To increase battery life on electronic devices, don't skimp on the charger. Most USB-type and Type-C chargers also have capacities significantly higher than their nickel-cobalt-aluminium counterparts. Owners of all modern smartphones should use a high-quality USB-type metal charger.
- The same goes for laptops, tablets, game consoles and other similar devices. Instead of buying the cheapest charger for such gadgets, keep buying higher-quality ones. In general, the larger the quantity of electronic items you use, the more it costs to buy higher-quality chargers and compatible accessories.
- When you need to quickly charge a cell phone, invest in reliable quick-chargers. The larger capacity they have, the more expensive these chargers tend to be.
- When planning your trip or vacation, consider portability. Some people might argue that travel isn't necessary since you can just charge a phone while you're travelling, but as technology becomes smaller, portable and less expensive, that argument may grow. Don't just leave your phone on the charger at home — cut the cord, put it in a suitcase or pack it on your flight.
4. How to save money on Duracell batteries
If you buy Duracell batteries but you don’t use up all of the batteries in the pack before the next time you need batteries you can take the batteries that you don’t use and put them in an airtight bag and put them at the cool and dry place. This way if there’s ever a problem you can throw them away and save the money you spent on them.
Duracell batteries are made from lead and nickel and can be dangerous if you eat too much of them or breathe in too much of the lead. To put a stop to any problem with your batteries you need a fireproof container. Put your battery in one end of thick glass, and put the other end in the container. Put the container in a cool place and the lead and nickel will eat away leaving all the remains in the bottom of the glass. After putting the batteries in the cool place for about 30 minutes you will get a nice fire going burning away at them. The whole bag of these batteries takes about 120 minutes to fully burn out so take them out and enjoy the party.
Conclusion: When you don't waste Duracell batteries, you can use them for longer periods of time and save money in the process.
If you keep buying Duracell batteries, then you’re wasting money on your energy bills, but with these tips, you can use Duracell batteries for longer periods of time and save money in the process.
A great thing about throwing these batteries in a bag that you’re putting in the dumpster? Each bag will be marked with “Junk” or “Nosh” on it. Info on the recycling centres you can find here.
Pro tip: Dispose of unused batteries in the cashier’s pile.
Most people hate wasting their own plastic, paper, or glass, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Disposing of unused batteries is easy (just be sure you do it the correct way so as not to damage the receptors that control a battery’s lifespan). At the recycling centre, you can dump your batteries in a plastic bag in the back corner where they’re easy to find. Most of the time they will be donated if they have high enough recycling value.
Don't just toss that old Duracell container. Try placing the drained batteries in containers like this to take home. These containers can be made out of 6-mil plastic, are dishwasher safe, and can be reused again and again.