Posted by SAMIR RAJ

VR BOX is a new tech which is viral NOW !! We Check what is VR box and what to expect.
We have recently updated a product ‘VR Box‘ Virtual Reality headset with Bluetooth remote controller. We have sold many of these headsets in the last few days and we have some pro and cons listed for you.
Overall our experience with the VR Box has been good with a few issues which we have listed below.
Main Features
- Low Price and you can get it here for less than £12
- Easy to adjust the focal lens
- Very comfortable cushion
- Very tight grip for the phone and it will not move no matter how you shake your head!
- Bluetooth controller is small and very handy and easy to use
- Lens cleaning cloth and we also sell lens cleaning kit here
- Removable camera port so you can either charge or take picture with some app
- Build quality is very robust.
- Slight light is coming but it may not be an issue for other users
- Strap needs to be more rigid
- Phone needs to be properly balanced in the centre, they should have designed it in such a way that one should put the phone in the middle
- 5.5-6″ would be the ideal screen size.
Setting up & testing the VR Box
The VR Box is preinstalled with major setting and you only have to add three bumps on which is not necessary but it will prevent the buttons on your phone being pressed when you enter in the VR box. I haven't done this part and I had no issue but some users may have to follow this.
So how exactly does it work? The VR Box uses side-by-side images and dual-optics to create the illusion of one 3D image or video.
- Open YouTube and search “3D VR” or 3d virtual reality video
- Select a video that you like
- Place your smartphone into the VR Box headset
- Insert this into the VR Box.
- Put on the headset and tight it correctly for the first time
- Adjust the optic lens until the image becomes clear.
Yeah, you are VR Headset Pro NOW!
You have to take note that your video must be of higher quality like 4k or HD to enjoy the VR experience otherwise the image may be little grainy.
What’s in the box?
VR Box headset & insert, Instruction guide, 3 x sticky rubber sponge pads, lens cleaning cloth, Bluetooth game controller.
VR Games & Apps
The best way to find a decent VR App is to search VR on the Google Play Store or App Store on iOS The availability of games is growing but I still found it to be quite limited. Also, there isn’t an easy way to search for only VR-enabled games and apps so finding the hidden gems takes a bit of trial and error.
Please find some of the games that you can have.
Insidious VR (free): This is essentially a trailer for the horror film Insidious where you can look around in 3D.
- Galaxy VR (free demo): A space shooter game where you control a fighter ship from the cockpit.
- Cardboard Camera by Google (free): A selection of 360 degrees photos that you can look through by turning your head.
- Deep Space VR (free): You control a space gun shooting where you headset looks.
- Star VR Racer (free): A Tron-like plat-former where you avoid crashing as the game speeds up
Final thoughts on the VR Box
If you are looking to buy your first VR box then we suggest to start with the lower end model that we have for sale as it will give you best idea what you can expect from VR and as its unfolding, more and more apps are going to come For the price, the VR Box is best buy.